Can you mow a wet lawn?

At some point, every homeowner will look out over a dewy or rain-soaked lawn and wonder if they can still get their mowing done.

Sure, it’ll be a slower mow – but what harm could it do to cut the grass when it’s wet?

Actually, more than you might think. Mowing your lawn when it’s wet can have several negative effects, including vulnerability to disease and other downfalls. Apart from the lawn being more difficult to mow, it’s always better to wait until things dry out for your lawn’s sake.

Why You Shouldn’t Mow a Wet Lawn

These are just some of the ways grass becomes more susceptible to damage and other dangers when wet, so let’s jump right in. Here’s why we don’t advise mowing a wet lawn.

When the grass is wet, it gets compacted or pressed together with dirt and other grass blades much easier than when it’s dry. This can lead to many problems, including poor drainage, shallow root growth, and an increased susceptibility to disease.

When soil particles are tightly packed together, it makes it more difficult for water, air and nutrients to reach the roots of the grass, which can lead to a decline in the overall health of your lawn.

Another reason to avoid mowing a wet lawn is disease. Wet grass is prone to fungal infections and other diseases, which can spread across the lawn rapidly if the grass is cut before it has a chance to dry. This can lead to brown patches, discoloration, and other signs of an unhealthy lawn.

Mowing a wet lawn can also cause the grass clippings to clump together, which is never a good thing. These clumps can make it tough for sunlight and air to reach the roots of the grass, resulting in brown patches, and like the reasons above, it can also make your yard more susceptible to disease.

Safety is another issue as wet grass can be deceptively slippery and uneven, making your mower harder to control. This can increase the risk of accidents such as falling, and no one needs that experience when trying to have a freshly cut lawn.

Damage to Your Mower
Wet grass can also easily clog your mower’s blades, which can lead to rusting and other damage. Aside from making for an irritating mow, this can be costly to fix and can lead to a decline in the performance of your mower, leaving you with a less than ideal lawn care experience.

Overall, the bottom line is that it’s best to avoid mowing a wet lawn. The smartest choice is to take some time and wait until the sun’s shining and the lawn’s dry before mowing to help promote healthy growth, reduce the risk of an unhealthy or diseased yard, and make the task safer and more efficient.

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